In the fourth and final installment of the historic four-part series "You Simply Must: FUN SIZE Part II," Landree forces Drew to listen to "WAP" by Cardi B and Megan Thee Stallion.
Also: Best Sandwich, Killer Bread, and Raunchy Music
In the third installment of the historic four-part series "You Simply Must: FUN SIZE Part II," Drew forces Landree to try Pacqui's Haunted Ghost Pepper Chips.
Also: Squeaky Experiences, Grass Petting, and Rewriting Casper
In the second installment of the historic four-part series "You Simply Must: FUN SIZE Part II," Landree forces Drew to watch suspended sportscaster Thom Brennaman disgrace himself on-air, then apologize for disgracing himself.
Also: Presence Presents, Redwood Landree, and Baby in a Lion Costume
In the first installment of the historic four-part series "You Simply Must: FUN SIZE Part II," Drew forces Landree to listen to the song "Big For Your Boots" by Stormzy.
Also: S'Mores Chat, Kama Sutra, and Spiders
Return Guest Co-Host and Wife of the Podcast Jacquelyne Jones forces Drew to watch videos from children's YouTube channel GoNoodle.
Also: Sneep Struggles, Syncopation Training, and Running